Convention régionale avec le VKS du Vanuatu, l'UNC et l'IRD, Nouméa, 25 mai 2011
Présentation de la convention dite de Nouméa, du 25 Mai 2011
Communiqué de presse locale
Communiqué de presse internationale-Flash d'Océanie
Dossier photographique
Other programmes held jointly
with Pacific-Dialogues
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Editions en ligne: Dialogues - Pacifique
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20: PLaNet-Pacific Land Tenure
19: Pacific Way - 50 ans après - 50 years later -18-20 octobre 2022 -UPF
18: Sovereignty, Autonomy and Diversity in the French Pacific: Victoria University of Wellington 14 March 2019
17: SGPI-Society and Governance in the Pacific Islands, and Oceania Coveted - November 2016
16: Pacific Islands Universities Research Network PIURN 2012-2018
15: MSHP-Maison des Sciences de l'Homme du Pacifique : 2016-2017
14: What Oceania Languages Have to Tell Us (ANU-UNC-UPF) – 24-28 october 2016
12: Climate change: dialogues between Pacific communities (April 2015-November 2016)
13: Custom and the State: New Caledonia and comparisons
11: Pacific people's relationship to land and their natural environment. First conference of the Pacific Islands Universities Research Network (PIURN), New Caledonia (Noumea, Kone), 3-7 November 2014
10: Cultures as national heritages and dissemination of contemporary art in the French-speaking Pacific, Port-Vila 21-23 October 2014, Vanuatu Kaljoral Senta
09: France in the Pacific 2013-2014 : recent evolutions in the Pacific French Collectivities, presented to the English-speaking universities of the region : legislation, electoral rolls, economics, debates on legal pluralism, etc.
08: Prof. Agnès Fine at EHESS-Canberra, ANU. Conferences: Same-sex Parenting and Adoption; From Mother to Daughter: the Transmission of Fertility. September 2013.
07: Mining and Mining Policy in the Pacific: History, Challenges and Perspectives (Noumea, New-Caledonia, 21 to 25 of november 2011)
06: Prof. Irène Théry at EHESS-Canberra, September-October 2011 and two worskhops Gender in the Pacific, Canberra and Nouméa
05: Pacific History Association Conference 2012, Panels proposal: August 2011
04: SAMOA Conference II, NUS 4-8 July 2011
03: Convention régionale avec le VKS du Vanuatu, l'UNC et l'IRD, Nouméa, 25 mai 2011
02: Fonds Pacifique Lecture (March 16th 2011)
01: Presentation of Vanuatu cultural policy by Directors of the Vanuatu Kaljoral Sentra (Vila, Tafea) (March 15th 2011)
Launching of the EHESS-Canberra Branch at the ANU (March 16th-17th 2011)
Programmes resulting from the Agreement between
Ambassade de France
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